Working Assumptions Project Grant Recipient 2024
After my fair share of grant rejection letters, I received this long-awaited email and shed tears of joy.
"Dear Debe, Congratulations! We are thrilled to inform you that you have been awarded a Working Assumptions Project Grant in the amount of $10,000 for your outstanding project one, one thousand…." "Originally planning to fund six, we were so inspired by the quality and creativity of the submissions that we decided to award two additional grants... that inspire viewers to look at family in meaningfully new ways through photography."
Stay tuned for this next phase where I am incorporating augmented reality into the images giving viewers a sense of what it’s like to be a lifelong family caregiver and the one being cared for.
Critical Mass 2024 Top 200
I'm thrilled my series Witness is a Critical Mass Top 200! It is an affirmation of my work and to have two very different series (this and one, one thousand...) recognized by Critical Mass each time I have submitted is a thrill and an honor. This year, the competition is fierce! Fingers crossed, I make it to the Top 50!
FRESH 2024 People's Choice Award
Klompching Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
I am thrilled to receive the People's Choice Award with my image Witness No.1 During May 13th – 27th, one photograph from each Fresh 2024 Finalists was posted onto the Klompching Gallery’s Instagram profile. The public voted for their favorite image, by LIKING it. The work of each finalist is stellar making the final selection a very close win!
Klompching Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
I'm honored to be named a finalist among 19 stellar artists from around the world. In its 13th year, this award is "held to the highest standards by one of the leading contemporary art galleries. FRESH looks for the very best examples of new contemporary fine art photography. "
This series continues my exploration of meditation and spirituality, using the landscape as a portal entering into an alternate reality of conscious awareness.
Catalogs are available through Klompching Gallery
Memory Orchards: Photographers and their Families
I am thrilled to have six images from one, one thousand... in this tender book alongside Guggenheim recipients, teachers of mine, and fellow colleagues whom I greatly admire.
Featuring 186 photos from 60 photographers, Memory Orchards presents a broad survey of family experience, through highs and lows, lust and loss, creating a survey of work that reflects our understanding of ‘family’ in this moment. The work is derived from long term documentary projects to archive-based explorations, noting mundane interactions, moments of intimacy, family snapshots, and artful portraits. Some artists write of their desire to remember and document their own peculiar and beautiful realities. Others share their experience in hopes of adding to larger conversations about representation or identity. Taken as a whole, this engaging collection of work is complex and personal but deeply relatable.
Publisher by Candela Books
Essays by Rebecca Senf, PhD, curator at the Center for Creative Photography in Tucson, and Andy Grundberg, independent curator, writer, and educator.
Edited by Gordon Stettinius, founder and senior director of Candela Gallery.
Members' 2024 Juried Exhibition
Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, California
Witness No.6 [Dreaming Yosemite- working title]
Juror Catherine Couturier selected 45 photographs for the gallery exhibition and 45 for the online gallery from over 2600 entries submitted. Couturier is the owner and director of the Catherine Couturier Gallery in Houston, Texas.
The catalog is available for purchase in the gallery or online at Magcloud.
Tell Me a Story: The Role of Storytelling in Photography
Colorado Photographic Arts Center, Denver, Colorado
Artist Reception November 20, 2023
On view thru January 6, 2024
Exhibiting “one, one thousand…” in Colorado is extra special for my family who live there. My parents, sisters, nephews, plus Lori and David get to see our personal family narrative on the walls of galleries and University Campuses. It pulls at the heartstrings and strengthens my commitment to keep going.
"When I was jurying this exhibition, I looked for quiet but visually engaging photographs that suggest emotionally complex stories about everyday life. I was less drawn to depictions of sensational moments or exotic locations, favoring ones that are literally and figuratively closer to home. I looked for signs of slow and careful looking as well as subjects who appear at ease in front of the photographer and their camera." ~Juror Mary Statzer
Dispatches From the Present
November 20 - January 13, 2024
Los Angeles Center of Photography
252 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
Exhibiting stuggle to express myself from the scene & heard series.
"Like a carefully assembled time capsule, the works included here reflect key questions that drive photographic practice – in their curiosity about the meeting points between past and future technologies, in their open-ended approach toward storytelling and photography’s capacity to re-shape and re-organize how we see the world. From vast landscapes to intimate geographies, from experimental techniques to views of still life, these works provide a nuanced outlook on contemporary—and ongoing–preoccupations." LACP
FOCUS photo l.a.
Awarded Top 20 Finalist - Winter 2023
Los Angeles Center of Photography
In is a small but meaningful way to give back to LACP, an organization that has continually inspired me with its commitment to visual storytelling, I contributed Polka Dots and Butterflies for LACP's online print auction.
Hidden Truths Project - 1:26 Art of Epilepsy
Boston | Chicago | Newport Beach 2023
I'm involved with Hidden Truths Project, founded and helmed by Julie Thompson-Dobkin, whose mission is to engage and empower marginalized members of our society to promote dialogue and foster understanding and acceptance. I participate in Here I am photographed with Julie, my sister Lori Sandler and the print Floor Plan.
Hidden Truths Projects events aim to facilitate a dialogue based on lived experiences to dismantle the stigmitization associeated with epilepsy. Several of my prints exhibited in Boston, Chicago and Newport Beach, California in 1:26 The Art of Epilepsy exhibitions along with 98% of the artists diagnosed with epilepsy.
This unique mixed media print, Unspoken, was purchased by the mom of a 9 year-old, non-verbal daughter diagnosed with epilepsy. It now hangs in her office as a reminder that in her silence, her daughter embodies unseen wisdom. A portion of the proceeds goes to the humanitarian efforts of Hidden Truths Projects.
Las Foto Projects
October 2023
It was my pleasure to donate THIS IS IT along with 60 women and gender-expansive photographers in support of their mission to nurture creativity among young girls and gender-expansive youth from communities of color in Los Angeles.
Their dedication to empowering these teens and effecting positive change in society is truly commendable and reflected through the joy on the kids’ faces as they hold their cameras. It's a testament to the organization and its mentors.
Trusting the Journey
Pasadena Photography Arts Video Recording
I share my process in developing a photographic voice.
February 2023
Perceive Me
March 13 - April 13th, 2023
Mesa College Art Gallery San Diego
Women's History Month
Artist Panel Discussion
5th and final exhibition of Perceive Me
Perceive This,With Viewer
one, one thousand...
a 46 print Solo Exhibition
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Fulginiti Pavilion for Humanities and Biothethics Aurora, Colorado
September 6, 2022 - February 13, 2023
February 7th, 2023
Hybrid Panel Discussion including a neurologist, an art therapist, an art advocate, my sister Lori Sandler and me in REVEALING: Art + Disability + Stigma + Compassion
Hybrid Panel Discussion February 7, 2023 • CU Anschutz & ZOOM RSVP
Presentation with the Sisters November 1, 2022 • Lennox-Gastaut National Awareness Day
Walk-through and discussion with Lori • January 2022
Walk-through and discussion with Lori for CU medical students • September
Ted for the Head Talk October 2022
The Candid Frame, Vulnerability in Life & Art
Feature Shoot, FRAMES Magazine, F-Stop Magazine, Shadow & Light Magazine, Strange Fire, ZO Magazine,
Yup, that's my sister Lori and me on installation day with a poster of Lori and her son, David at the Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics & Humanities at CU Anschutz
Walking this Path, 2021
LensCulture Winner, Summer Open 2022
My project one, one thousand... was recognized by LensCulture and exhibited at the Essex house during PhotoLondon in 2023
one, one thousand...
All About Photo Solo Exhibition
I had the honor of having my work selected by juror Harvey Stein (acclaimed photographer, educator and author of seven books) for the month of October 2022
Klompching Editions
announces the Special Edition release of foreseeable cache no. 23, pink , 2021
8.33" x 12.5" image on 11" x 14" sheet printed on Canson Arches Paper
October - November 2022
South X Southeast Gallery, Molena Georgia Juried by Jennifer McClure
Perceive Me
concept and curation by Kristine Schomaker
Coastline College, Newport Beach, CA
I'll be giving and Artist Talk October 12, 2022 12pm-1pm pst
Exhibition Tour with Kristine Schomaker to follow
This is the 4th exhibition of Perceive Me with one more to follow in San Diego
Perceive This with Viewer
Lucie Foundation Official Selection • International Photography Awards
Critical Mass TOP 50 !!!! 2022
It's an honor to be amongst many talented friends and colleagues List of winners
Indian Photo Festival 2022
Hyderabad, India
For my debut in India, "one, one thousand..." is the only representing the United States!
The Indian Photo Festival (IPF) - Hyderabad, a not-for-profit initiative of Light Craft Foundation is India's longest running international photography festival showcasing photography from India and around the globe.
18th November - 19th December, State Gallery of Art, Madhapur and other venues across Hyderabad.
Center for Photographic Art International Juried Exhibition
Juror Paul Kopeikin • Center for Photographic Art, Carmel, CA
Inclination, Versailles, France 2009
Strange Fire Interview
Interviewed by Jess Dugan - June 16, 2022
Jess Dugan recently selected one, one thousand... for CENTER's Social Award Honorable Mention. It is a privilege to be interviewed by them for Strange Fire, an artist collective "of interdisciplinary artists, curators, and writers focused on work that engages with current social and political forces."
We talk more about Lori and David, how the title came to be, and how I got David's permission to make this work. I share why I use text and image, "straight" photographs, altered images, and talk about the artists who've influenced me. Jess's thought provoking questions that had me look more deeply at the "why's" about the work which are articulated here.
The Art of Photographic Capture
Teaching this summer : Los Angeles Center for Photography
July 25 - July 29, 2022
Photography is an art form used to express observations or communicate a story. This workshop invites students (ages 12-18) to observe the world around them and discover the overlooked. Designed for all levels of photographers.
FRAMES Magazine Interview
Interview by Diana Nicholette Jeon - May 31, 2022
Diana has me waxing about my career and each project that has led me to the work I make today. In doing so, I learned a bit more about myself through the process.
Diana: To leave you with a final thought from Arlook, she says, “We’re making this work to champion caregivers and bring awareness to this rare syndrome. We hope to raise funding to enable more research into the many unknowns about LGS. To learn more about LGS, visit the LGS Foundation website.
CENTER Social Award Honorable Mention
Juried by Jess T. Dugan one, one thousand...
I was impressed by the quality and diversity of the work submitted to the Social Awards. Seeing projects from around the world that address a variety of meaningful social issues, such as climate change, immigration, activism, systemic racism, socioeconomic inequity, chronic illness, neurodivergence, aging, family systems, the effects of the pandemic, and LGBTQ+ rights was very moving. In addition to the subject matter, the formal and technical execution of each project was critical to my selection; I was looking for cohesive bodies of work comprised of strong individual images and was most drawn to projects where the artists spoke about social issues from a highly personal vantage point, using their own stories as a point of departure. As I was viewing all of the submitted work, one of my favorite quotes by Diane Arbus came to mind: “The more specific you are, the more general it’ll be.”
The two Honorable Mentions, one, one thousand… by Debe Arlook. one, one thousand… tells the story of Arlook’s 28-year-old nephew, David, who has Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, an incurable seizure disorder, and severe autism, rendering him non-verbal and in need of full-time care. Arlook’s images show David and his mother, Lori, alongside her handwritten text describing aspects of their lives and relationship.
- Jess T. Dugan, Artist & Co-Founder, Strange Fire Collective
Griffin Museum of Photography 28th Annual Members Juried Show
July 7 - September 4, 2022 Artist Reception July 10, 2022 4-6pm
My sister Lori and I will be there, we hope to see you. Over 2,000 images were submitted to jurors Frances Jakubek and Iaritza Menjivar, and narrowed to 60.
Center Forward 2022
Exhibition at Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins
The artist reception was an extra special event with my nephew, sister and family in attendance.
Juried by Alyssa Coppelman and Christy Havranek, June 1 - June 28, 2022
30 OVER 50: In Context
one, one thousand... portfolio
Portfolio exhibition with Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins CO
Juried by Gordon Stettinius, May 2022
Meditation No. 5, Foreseeable Cache
The Artist of Possibility, Issue #5
Published article written by Debe Arlook
A few weeks into the March 2020 lockdown, I became ill with Covid. We were in Idaho for a one-week trip. Then the world literally stopped. The virus lasted seven weeks...we stayed for three months not wanting to return to city life in Los Angeles. Testing was scarce, we had a president prescribing bleach as a cure-all, and no one knew anything. Two years later, with vaccines, boosters and new variants, a sick friend told me she couldn't image what it was like being sick without the vaccine. I can tell you, it was no picnic. It messed me up emotionally, physically and mentally for many months.
In the fall of 2020, I wrote an essay about my experience for The Artist of Possibility, a spiritually minded magazine conceived by meditation teacher, Jeff Carreira. Published in January 2021, the issue about Loss, Grief and Transformation. Images from Foreseeable Cache accompany the essay.
Meditation No.19, Orange, Foreseeable Cache
Highlights from the Month of Photography Denver Reviews, by Aline Smithson, 2021
Meditation No.19, Turquoise, Foreseeable Cache
What Will You Remember?
Digits: A Parallel Universe Exhibition Review, by Elin Spring and Suzanne Revy 2021
Meditation No.7, Foreseeable Cache
Critical Mass Finalist Award 2020
16th Julia Margaret Cameron Award
Jurors Barbara Davidson and Elisabeth Biondi awarded Foreseeable Cache an Honorable Mention, Digital Manipulation & Collage
2nd Place, Edge of an [American] Dream
FotoNostrum Gallery, Barcelona Spain Winter 2021
I don't know where he is, but he's gone, Scene & Heard
I was recently interviewed by Andrew Walmsley from the UK for his podcast. Thank you, Andrew!
Much gratitude to the Los Angeles Center of Photography team for selecting me as Member of the Month for May 2021
January 6, 2019 8:15:36am, Edge of an [American] Dream
Member's Juried Exhibition
Center for Photographic Arts, Carmel CA
Juror, Susan Burnstine & Gallery Director, Ann Jastrab
April 10, 2021 4-5pm PDT
Meditation No.28, Foreseeable Cache
Heeled, A Western Ballad Exhibition
H+ Gallery, Ventura, CA
Artist Talk April 18, 2021 1-3pm PDT
Meditation No.22, Foreseeable Cache
Digits: A Parallel Universe Exhibition
Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston, MA
Artist Talk April 25, 2021 1pm PDT
Mulholland Drive Sunset No.1
California Love, A Visual Mixtape 2 Exhibition
Los Angeles, CA March 6 - 27, 2021
Lenscratch Book Review, January 2, 2021
Meditation No.4, Foreseeable Cache
Photolucida Auction March 1-21, 2021
Meditation No.19, Foreseeable Cache
Lenscratch, March 26, 2021
Highlights from the Month of Photography Denver Reviews
Meditation No.35, Foreseeable Cache
What Will You Remember?
Digits: A Parallel Universe Exhibition Review, March 24, 2021
December 21, 2019, 15:45:55 from edge of an [american] dream
What Will You Remember?
A Spectrum of Exposure, January 28, 2021