edge of a [n american] dream

As a kid, I often had my face glued to the windows of cars or trains. I watched the countless blurred moments of new and familiar landscapes rush by, wondering who lived and worked there. Decades and numerous road trips later, the locations I'm drawn to are primarily rural and agricultural towns in America’s interior. Towns built on the discriminative promise of freedom, equality, and prosperity through hard work, I wonder if the American Dream was realized.

I have no personal history here, but there is an intuitive recognition of the towns and cities I photograph. They fade in and out of focus, like a memory or a dream. I feel a connection to these communities but can’t place its origin. Maybe it's the novelty of childhood memory or the collective memory from news events, history, or stories romanticized in the arts. I’m curious about life in these quiet, rural towns where a single stop sign may mark downtown.  Lifetimes exist in these places, but I’m only passing by and on to the next vignette.  

Photographed through the passenger window, faint moments of nostalgia emerge like fragments of dreams and forgotten memories, each reinvented with the passage of time. In many ways, we are all passing through at one time or another…looking out the window hoping to realize our dreams. 

2016 - ongoing 

December 21, 2019   15:45:55

December 21, 2019   15:45:55

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